TV time. Last week, we frantically searched for a TV that could get any kind of reception, since our work TV's are really only for video use. Finally, just as the 2nd tower disolved into itself, someone found a wire coat hanger (you'd think in a place that's all about clothes that we would have a coat hanger!) and we were able to get a local station. The images were fuzzy and black and white, but just as terrible as the scene played back when I got home. The TV was moved into the common break room, which was packed with people all day Tuesday and off and on Wednesday. By Thursday, there were just 8 or 9 people gathered around the screen on their break time. On Monday, the TV was on when I came in in the morning, but no one was watching. At 1:00 when I came back from the gym, the soap operas were on. This morning, the screen was dark. At home, I still can't help but watch the images, and I am still filled with disbelief. I don't want to think about retaliation. There is no way that punishment could be exacted.
I really love the "quilt"idea that Meg wrote about. I think though that a lot of people who lost people would need to have help setting up their square.