Saturday, January 09, 2010

Musque de Provence

Musque de Provence, originally uploaded by pizza on earth.

The beautiful specimen pumpkin.

Musque de Provence

pumpkin innards 2, originally uploaded by pizza on earth.

We had some spectacular pumpkins last summer that grew along the edge of our stone wall terrace. At first, the plants just kind of trailed along the top of the wall, but by the end of the summer, the vines had completely taken over, spilling over the wall and trailing into the yard below. Some of them were 20 feet long by the time we ripped them out in the fall. The beautiful pumpkin, Musque de Provence, are deeply ribbed, with huge lobes of dark green skin. We've kept them in the hallway, and now they have turned a beautiful russet color. Time to open them up! For our first meal, J made pumpkin risotto and cubed up the rest for the freezer. Of course that was just a quarter of one of the 25 pound babies. The other quarters have been given away to other lucky foodie friends. And the largest one is still the conversation piece of the hallway.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

I've never really made any resolutions- I think it's silly. But because my life has changed so drastically in the last month, I want to make some daily changes. First, I need to post more often. And I need to attach stuff to my posts, like sketches. I need to draw every day, and keep a sketchbook. I need to explore and resolve the crazy feelings I have towards family, friends, and loved ones. I think that's it.
Guilt, resentment, expectations, judgement. These are the opportunities I have chosen for the exploration.
I'll get started tomorrow...