Wednesday, April 18, 2001

I read Meg's discussion of marriage and what other blog people think of it. I belive most of these people are in the youngish age range, still believing in love everlasting. Oh yes, so do I, even though I am not now considered in the youngish age range. I think my most surprising thing about my marriage is how our lives can completely change, our 'selves' become so different than what we once were, and yet how satisfying and complimentary those changes have been. We are the lucky ones, I do know that. It's okay to wait for the right one, although sometimes it's difficult to put some of your goals on hold. But the goals can only be achieved with the right match. It will come to you, I'm sure.

There was a shoe in the middle of the left lane of the oncoming traffic at the stoplight on my way to work yesterday. On the way home it was in the left lane on the other side. This morning, unbelievably, it was back on the other side, and at lunchtime, it is right in the middle. It's just a black chunky shoe, probably like a Parade of Shoes shoe or a Payless kind of shoe, not much personality, but lots of staying power. What will happen to that shoe?